Measure CSI of 802.11ax packets on frequency 5180 MHz and channel width 160 MHz and save it to file with name csi.dat:
feitcsi --frequency 5180 --channel-width 160 --format HESU --output-file csi.dat
Inject VHT frames on frequency 5260 MHz and channel width 80 MHz every 5ms, 11 times:
feitcsi --mode inject --frequency 5260 --channel-width 80 --format VHT --inject-delay 5000 --inject-repeat 11
Measure CSI and inject HT frames on frequency 2412 MHz and channel width 20 MHz every 10ms, 133 times
feitcsi --mode measureinject --frequency 2412 --channel-width 20 --format HT --inject-delay 10000 --inject-repeat 133